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Article: Labrador Tea: The Top 5 Greatest Benefits

Le thé du Labrador : 5 bienfaits sur la santé

Labrador Tea: The Top 5 Greatest Benefits

Labrador tea infusion is one of the healthiest beverages and is known for 5 principal benefits. It is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. This includes better cell regeneration, weight loss, lower risk of cancer and other impressive benefits.

Below are 5 health benefits of Labrador tea supported by studies. There are many more than 5 but we will focus on these for today.

1. Labrador Tea Contains Bioactive Components That Improve General Health

This is more than just a drink. Many of the plant components in Labrador tea leaves are found in the final infusion, which contains large amounts of important nutrients [1]

These leaves contain many natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and offer other benefits. Thus, antioxidants can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, thereby protecting cells and molecules from damage. We know that these free radicals play a role in aging and all kinds of diseases.

Labrador tea contains many flavonoids. These have several important benefits for human health such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant [3], anti-carcinogenic and anti-atherogenic properties.

The presence of tannin, gallic acid and vitexin in significant amounts in this plant suggests that it could have a wide spectrum of pharmacological activity.[4]

The plant also contains small amounts of minerals important for health.

 Labrador Tea Plant in the Wild Forest

2. Labrador Tea Limits Cancer Spread

Cancer is caused by an uncontrolled growth of cells. It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is known that oxidative damage contributes to the development of cancer and that antioxidants can have a protective effect.[5] 

Labrador tea is a great source of powerful antioxidants. So it makes sense that it can lower your risk of cancer, which seems to be the case. The twigs of the plant are also effective against cancer cells like carcinoma of the lungs and colon.

3. Good For Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in recent decades. It now affects approximately 400 million people worldwide. This disease involves high blood sugar against the background of insulin resistance or an inability to produce insulin.

Studies show that Labrador tea can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar. Recent ethnobotanical data has shown that the plant has the potential to treat the symptoms of type II diabetes [6] 

This plant is said to be very good against diabetes and obesity, which is why Ouchfoun et al. write:

 In conclusion, it exerts a potential anti-diabetic action by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing obesity and hyperglycemia induced by a diet rich in fat. They validate the safety and efficacy of this plant.[7]


Buy Labrador Tea Leaves

4. Labrador Tea Helps Against Inflammation

The plant is recognized as an excellent anti-inflammatory. This is why it was used to treat inflammatory diseases.[8]

In addition, the essential oil contained in Labrador tea could be beneficial for many ailments. Such as allergies, bronchitis, fever, laryngitis, lymph node inflammation, skin problems of all kinds and regulation of the thyroid gland.[9]

5. A Natural Antiseptic

Antiseptics are substances that are applied to the skin to stop or prevent the development of bacteria or other microorganisms. Labrador tea has antiseptic properties.

Studies have found that the oil inside this incredible plant helps tolerance and the response to Hepatitis B and C.[10] It has been used and shown to be good against prostate infection [11]


Mug With Labrador Tea leaves InfusionMake it part of your routine!

In order to feel better, have a better immune system and reduce your chances of developing cancer, consider making Labrador tea an integral part of your life.

If you want to try it, we have a wide range of products available in our shop.



1 comment

Est-ce que le thé du labrador, comme les autres thés, empêche l’absorption du fer? Si oui, peut-on le prendre à 1h d’intervalle avec les plantes qui favorisent le fer? Quelle quantité par jour recommandez-vous?

Line Bernier

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