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Article: How to prepare an iced tea type infusion?

Deux femmes qui prennent un infusion de thé glacé

How to prepare an iced tea type infusion?

During the hot summer days, we enjoy quenching our thirst with a refreshing drink.

Looking for a sugar-free, low-calorie, high-flavor alternative? Iced boreal herbal tea is THE solution. It's true that we are used to drinking our herbal tea when it is hot. However, by drinking it cold, you will retain the flavors of the plants and its benefits, while quenching your thirst!

Another advantage, herbal tea infusions do not contain caffeine (or theine), you can enjoy them throughout the day and in the evening!

How to make an iced tea type infusion?

Each method used to infuse herbal tea has its strengths, the choice will depend on several factors. For example, the time you have before serving, if you have ice cubes on hand, if you want to add a touch of sugar, the quantity you want to prepare, etc.

Here are four practical infusion methods to adapt to different situations.

Iced Tea Brewing Pitcher

Method 1: Hot brew, express

For an express result, simply prepare it as a hot infusion, then cool it by adding ice. If desired, add a little honey, cane sugar or agave syrup to taste.

Preparation for a cup:

  1. Prepare the infusion following the usual instructions on the product packaging, following the same temperature and quantity of mixtures indicated
  2. Filter (remove the sachet, remove the infuser or pour into a fine sieve) and sweeten to taste (optional)
  3. Pour the hot infusion into a glass filled with ice cubes, add some sliced ​​fruit if desired

For a pitcher (2L):

  1. Prepare the infusion following the usual instructions on the product packaging, following the same temperature and quantity of mixtures indicated. Calculate for 1.5L to ensure there is enough room for the rest!
  2. Filter (remove the sachet, remove the infuser or pour into a fine sieve) and sweeten to taste (optional)
  3. Pour the hot infusion into the pitcher filled with ice, add some sliced ​​fruit if desired

Strong points: very fast, ready in 15 minutes

Weak points: need to have a lot of ice cubes on hand

Method 2: Hot brew, cooled

Consists of preparing a hot infusion as one would usually do, but reserving it for later. Also works when you're no longer thirsty to finish your cup, instead of throwing away the rest, you have a refreshing beverage for later.

Preparation for a cup or pitcher :

  1. Prepare the infusion following the usual instructions on the product packaging, following the same temperature and quantity of mixtures indicated
  2. Filter (remove the sachet, remove the infuser or pour into a fine sieve) and sweeten to taste (optional)
  3. Store in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours and enjoy

Strong points: easy, follow the usual instructions

Weaknesses: A pitcher may take longer to cool than a cup, which is slower.

Mint iced tea

Method 3: Classic cold brew, 8 hours

The technique requires the least effort, you just have to remember to prepare it in advance.

Preparation for a cup:

  1. Place 1 tea bag (or 2 teaspoons) of your favorite blend in a cup
  2. Fill the cup with water by pouring the water over the leaves and store in the refrigerator
  3. Leave to infuse for 8am-6pm or overnight, then strain through a fine sieve and serve.

For a pitcher (1.5 L, 6 cups):

  1. Place 6-8 tea bags (or 12-16 teaspoons) of your favorite blend in a pitcher
  2. Fill the pitcher by pouring the water over the leaves and store in the refrigerator
  3. Leave to infuse for 8am-6pm or overnight, then strain through a fine sieve and serve.

Strong points: Very easy, contains more benefits of plants that have not received heat

Weak points: long infusion time of at least 8 hours (more time = more flavor)

Method 4: Mixed infusion technique

A hybrid option between methods 2 and 3, with an effective compromise between speed and economy. The beauty of this technique is that it requires less amount of mixing for a large volume of ready-to-drink brew.

We gently make the walls of the plants more flexible to help release their flavor which continues in cold maceration in the refrigerator.

Preparation for a cup or pitcher:

  1. Prepare the infusion using 1/3 to ¼ less herbal tea blend than the usual instructions on the product package, with a lower temperature of approximately 60-70°C .
  2. Fill the container with hot water, pouring the water over the leaves and sweeten if necessary.
  3. Store in the refrigerator and let infuse for 2-4 hours
  4. Strain through a fine sieve and serve, garnish with fruit or mint leaves if desired

Strong points: economical and fast. Most suitable method for certain plants with robust leaves such as wintergreen which do not release all of its flavor in cold infusion.

Why prepare your own iced herbal teas?

Iced tea: easy to prepare

Nothing could be simpler, you only need two ingredients: water and your favorite herbal tea blend.

For optimal results, it is ideal to choose quality water: prefer mineral or filtered (chlorine) water to reveal the maximum aromas of the plants. Running drinking water can also work if that's the option you have and it's free!

Woman holding iced herbal tea

Good quality, quantity and price ratio: Get the most out of your iced herbal teas

No more overpriced store-bought iced teas! By preparing your homemade iced herbal teas, you save considerable money. For what? A serving of store-bought iced tea can cost several dollars, while with our premium Nordic infusion blends, you can make multiple cups for a fraction of the price.

Can I reinfuse my infusion or iced tea?

Did you know that you can make multiple infusions of your herbal tea? Yes yes! Instead of throwing away the herbal tea bag or leaves after use, it is possible to reinfuse them, as they still have some flavor left.

How to steep your tea a second time? Once you have strained or removed the tea bag, put it back into a container (the same one if it is empty or a new one) and fill it with water. The water can be cold, room temperature, or slightly warm (around 60-70°C, as for method 4).

Leave to infuse in the refrigerator for a few hours, filter and enjoy!

This tip allows you to:

  • Make more herbal tea with less product.
  • Reduce waste by giving your tea leaves a second life.
  • Enjoy a refreshing drink, even several days after the first infusion, can be kept in the fridge for up to 7 days.
  • Discover new subtle and delicate flavors in the second infusion.

With this double infusion tip and our premium Nordic infusion blends, enjoy delicious and economical iced herbal teas all summer long!

Iced lemon infusion

Enjoy a homemade iced herbal tea: an ecological choice!

In addition to being economical and delicious, preparing homemade iced herbal teas is an ecological gesture that is part of a sustainable lifestyle.

For what?

  • Natural and local ingredients. Our herbal tea blends are concocted with ingredients harvested by hand in Quebec, with respect for nature. You thus benefit from an authentic taste with a short circuit supply.
  • Less packaging waste . By opting for herbal teas in bulk or in compostable bags, you significantly reduce the amount of single-use packaging waste associated with commercial ready-to-drink iced teas. A simple gesture to preserve our planet!
  • Choosing to use bulk infusions (leaf blends) avoids more packaging and is the most eco-friendly option to prioritize. Indeed, individual bags of iced tea generate additional waste, although they still generate less than ready-to-drink bottles on the market. Bulk infusions allow you to dose the desired quantity using a reusable infuser and thus reduce the impact on the environment.
  • A second life for your tea leaves. As mentioned above, brewing the herbal tea blend a second time allows you to maximize your resources and further reduce your environmental impact.

By choosing to prepare your homemade iced herbal teas with bulk infusions , you are making a responsible and committed choice for your health and the environment. A simple gesture for tasty and lasting pleasure!

Customize the brew to your taste

Give free rein to your desires and create the perfect iced tea for you! Unlike commercial iced teas that are often too sweet, full of additives or with a taste that is too strong or too light, you have total control over your homemade drink.

Choose the infusion method that suits you best: cold or hot, quick, or with prolonged maceration for maximum flavors. Then select your favorite tea or herbal tea from our wide range of high quality Nordic infusion blends .

Want a sweet touch? Add sugar, honey, maple or agave syrup to taste. Your homemade iced tea will always be healthier than store-bought products because it's free of artificial flavors and made with local wild or organic ingredients.

Get creative! Add fresh fruit, aromatic herbs , lemon slices or edible flowers for unique and tantalizing flavor combinations.

Don’t hesitate to share your creations and tips in the comments, many people will be inspired!

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