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Article: Detox Herbal teas: The Best Purifying Plants to Cleanse the Body

Tisane Detox

Detox Herbal teas: The Best Purifying Plants to Cleanse the Body

What is Detoxification?

We are increasingly exposed to a significant number of chemicals. Some of these substances can accumulate in our bodies or become toxic in large quantities.

"Detoxification" is not a medical term; it refers to the process of eliminating toxins from the body. This can be done in various ways, including:

  • Consuming foods that promote detoxification, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Adopting healthy lifestyles: regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, and managing stress can also contribute to the body's natural detoxification.
  • Using medicinal plants and herbs: many plants and herbs are traditionally used to support digestion and the elimination of toxins. For example, plants with diuretic, laxative, and antioxidant properties can help eliminate toxins from the body. 
natural detox

The Innate Detoxification Capability of the Human Body

The human body is remarkably equipped to cleanse itself, thanks to what are called emunctory organs. There are five of these organs: the skin, the kidneys, the lungs, the intestines, and the liver. Each of these organs plays a specific role in eliminating undesirable substances, including toxins.

  • The liver filters and transforms toxins into less harmful substances.
  • The kidneys filter the blood and eliminate waste through urine.
  • The lungs expel gaseous toxins with each breath.
  • The intestines evacuate solid waste, thereby preventing toxins from accumulating.
  • The skin eliminates toxins through sweat and maintains the body's integrity by acting as a protective barrier.

The most sustainable and effective way to detoxify is to support these natural elimination systems of the body! The characteristics of certain plants make them natural solutions to support the human body's natural detox process.

plants for purification

How do Depurative Plants Act on the Emunctory Functions of the Body? 

1- The Best Herbal Teas for Liver Health

The liver, the largest organ in the human body, is part of the digestive system and performs several essential functions for health:

  • Firstly, it removes waste from the blood, transforming them into less harmful substances that are then eliminated by other organs such as the kidneys. 
  • Secondly, it produces bile necessary for the digestion of fats.

Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle, often rich in processed foods, medications, and environmental pollutants, can weaken this essential organ. An overloaded liver struggles to perform its functions, which can lead to various liver disorders.

Fortunately, nature offers us valuable solutions in the form of plants with beneficial properties for the liver. Infusions of plants with choleretic and cholagogic properties, such as milk thistle, rosemary, turmeric, and artichoke, can stimulate the production and evacuation of bile, thus promoting toxin elimination and proper liver function.

Milk thistle (silybum marianum) has long been recognized for its protective virtues for the liver. Silymarin, an extract from the seed, acts as a shield against external aggressions, preventing the entry of viral toxins and other harmful compounds into liver cells. Recent studies have also confirmed its effectiveness in preventing damage caused by alcohol intoxication. 

How to Maintain Liver Health with Herbal Infusions?

Rose & Chamomile detox

To feel better on a daily basis, herbal teas are natural allies not to be overlooked. Indeed, some infusions, such as digestive herbal teas, promote the elimination of toxins accumulated in the liver.

For example, the Rose & Chamomile infusion stands out for its composition rich in complementary plants: milk thistle, yarrow, chamomile, rose petals, laurel, and Labrador tea.

Milk thistle, combined with yarrow, offers optimal protection for the liver. Yarrow, known for its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties, reinforces the action of milk thistle, while bay leaves and rose petals help relieve bloating and promote intestinal transit.

Chamomile and Labrador tea, on the other hand, provide a touch of relaxation and well-being. Their soothing properties help calm the body and mind, thus promoting quality sleep. Incorporating the Rose & Chamomile infusion into an evening routine is a simple yet effective action. 

herbal tea preparation

2- How to cleanse the kidneys naturally?

Every minute, approximately one liter of blood enters the kidneys to be purified, before exiting and returning to the general circulation through the renal veins.

The kidneys perform numerous vital functions, the primary one being to filter waste from our blood and excrete toxins via urine. This is why diuretic plants are recommended to facilitate toxin elimination. They stimulate urine production, thus supporting this renal and urinary function.

Among the most renowned plants for promoting kidney health, we encounter:

  • Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica): stands out for its richness in minerals, particularly iron, as well as vitamins A and C. Thanks to their purifying properties, infusions made from nettle leaves are traditionally used as a tonic to eliminate toxins. Approved by the E Commission, its use is recommended in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and as a preventive measure against kidney stone formation. 
  • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is recognized for its diuretic properties, thus promoting proper kidney function. Additionally, it naturally contains salicylic acid, making it particularly interesting for its anti-inflammatory effects, similar to those of aspirin but without the gastrointestinal side effects associated with this medication.

The range of plants known for their diuretic properties is vast. Among them are mugwort, hawthorn, cocoa, fenugreek, juniper, bay leaves, lavender, St. John's wort, balsam fir, elderflower, and wintergreen. These plants are all valued for their ability to promote the elimination of bodily fluids.

Discover the Detox herbal tea collection, composed of carefully assembled diuretic plants for natural and gentle toxin elimination. 

herbal tea reinforce immunity

3- Herbs for Lung and Respiratory Health

 The lungs play a crucial role among the emunctories by oxygenating the blood and regulating carbon dioxide levels. In addition to these vital functions, they also actively participate in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Discover the benefits of the Sweetgale & Echinacea infusion and its blend of 5 carefully prepared plants to stimulate the immune system and promote toxin elimination. This herbal tea combines echinacea, sweet gale, juniper, mullein, Labrador tea, and sage.

  • Echinacea, known for strengthening the immune system and reducing inflammation, combines with sage with antiseptic properties to effectively fight winter infections and soothe respiratory ailments such as colds, coughs, and sore throats. 
  • Sweet gale, an emblematic plant of northern regions, offers its benefits to promote general well-being.
  • As for juniper berries, endowed with antiseptic properties, they promote toxin elimination, thus contributing to better health. 
herbs blend for detox

4- How to maintain Intestinal and Digestive Health with plants?

 While we often think of the kidneys or liver when it comes to eliminating toxins from the body, the role of the intestines should not be overlooked.

Comprising the small intestine and the colon, intestines play an essential role in nutrient absorption in the body. When they function well, they allow for the elimination of toxins through stools. Conversely, in cases of constipation, toxins accumulate in the body and disrupt the intestinal microbiota.

To maintain optimal digestive health, it is essential to maintain regular bowel movements and support proper intestinal function. Incorporating plants with beneficial properties can be particularly useful for this purpose.

On one hand, plants with purgative and mild laxative properties gently stimulate the intestines and promote smooth bowel movements for gentle waste evacuation. On the other hand, to support the mucous membranes, your intestines will appreciate plants with emollient properties. 

Here are some noteworthy plants to consider:

  • Mallow (Malva sylvestris) is known for its emollient properties that soothe intestinal mucosa. Its gentle laxative action promotes bowel movement. Let yourself be charmed by its digestive and soothing virtues for better intestinal health: Available here
  • Chamomile (matricaria chamomilla): is soothing and can help calm intestinal irritations. Used as an ingredient in infusion in the Rose & Chamomile blend, chamomille is effective in relieving stomach discomfort, calming nerves, and promoting sleep.
  • Ash (Fraxinus excelsior): its leaves are used as a mild laxative to relieve constipation. It is used in combination with horsetail and savory in the Beet & Poppy herbal tea to reduce digestive disorders.
Beet and poppy herbal blend for relaxation

To maximize the effectiveness of plants and promote a healthy intestinal flora, abundant hydration and a diet rich in fiber, whole grains, and legumes are essential. Hot or cold infusions, calories free and rich in beneficial properties, provide an ideal alternative to commercially sweetened drinks. 

5- Plants with cleansing properties for skin health

Often overlooked in its role as an emunctory, the skin is nevertheless a vital organ, the largest in the human body. Serving as a true protective barrier against external aggressions and pathogens, it also plays a crucial role in eliminating toxins through perspiration. This is why the skin rightly deserves its place among the body's elimination organs.

Some plants, with remarkable properties, stand out in promoting skin detoxification and supporting skin health. Among these botanical treasures are wild bergamot (monarda fistulosa), red clover (trifolium pratense), and sea buckthorn (hippophae rhamnoides).

  • Wild bergamot, renowned for its diaphoretic action, helps effectively combat fever. By stimulating perspiration, it facilitates the elimination of toxins and the regulation of body temperature. When applied as a poultice, it also soothes skin irritations. 
  • Red clover is commonly used to treat various skin conditions, such as eczema, often in combination with other purifying plants like burdock. 
  • Sea buckthorn, a shrub with fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants, harbors a treasure in its leaves: an oil with anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. When applied as an ointment, it calms irritated or damaged skin and effectively relieves symptoms of eczema and other skin conditions, promoting healing and regeneration.

By reducing the toxic load, these herbs empower the body to redirect precious energy towards repairing damaged tissues and fortifying weakened organs.


Prevention for Better Protection

To maximize the beneficial effects of herbal infusions, prevention remains an effective means of maintaining overall good health. This entails adopting a balanced lifestyle, limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding excessive sugar and starchy foods, and paying attention to the appropriate use of medications.

Furthermore, prioritizing a diet lower in carbohydrates and meat while incorporating more green vegetables and fruits is highly recommended.

By combining the benefits of plants with the virtues of a balanced lifestyle, you provide your body with the best conditions to function optimally.

Explore the diverse range of plants and infusions featured in the "Detox & Purification" collection to discover those that best suit your needs.


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