Merci beaucoup pour ton retour positif ! On est ravis que tu apprécies nos produits et notre communication.
J'étais septique a cause de la lavande mais agréablement surpris. Très bon goût et surtout pas trop prononcé . Très relaxant j'ai adoré. Je la recommande.
Salut Suzie, On est tellement contents que tu aies aimé la tisane! On est d'accord, la lavande est un peu particulière, mais elle donne un bon goût relaxant à la tisane. On est heureux que tu l'aies aimée!
Salut Manon, on est ravis que tu adores nos feuilles de framboisier ! Continue de profiter de leur saveur exceptionnelle.
Salut Francine, merci pour ton avis! On est ravis que tu aimes la tisane à la lavande!
Bonjour à vous
Cette tisane a la lavande es délicieuse, ne goûte pas trop fort juste asser,je me sent bien et relax car elle dégage avec son odeur du la recommanderais sans hésiter et pour moi même je continuerai à en profiter
Merci beaucoup pour ton avis ! On est ravis que tu aimes la tisane Thuya & Lavande. On espère qu'elle continuera à te relaxer.
Merci beaucoup pour ton avis ! On est ravi que tu aies apprécié la tisane sapin baumier & cacao.
Rose, camomille & feuilles du Labrador, une saveur douce et réconfortante. Je l'adore !
Merci beaucoup pour ton avis Jessy! On est super contents que tu aimes notre tisane Rose, camomille & feuilles du Labrador.
Un beau cadeau reçue d'une amie! Un goût à la hauteur de mes attentes . Je vais en recommander c'est certain!
Salut France, merci beaucoup pour ton avis! On est super contents que tu aimes la tisane et qu'elle te plaise autant. On te souhaite de belles soirées télé!
Amatrice de thé et tisane de tout genre et ayant déjà goûter à plusieurs thé du Labrador, je suis déçue de celui-ci…! Les sachets contiennent très peu de thé, donc le rapport qualité prix est assez mauvais. Je comprends que c’est un produit de bonne qualité mais le goût ne m’a pas impressionnée, j’ai trouvé cela très fade !
Salut Odree, désolé d'apprendre que tu as été déçue par notre tisane. On va regarder de plus près pourquoi les sachets ont moins de thé que prévu et on va prendre en compte ton commentaire sur le goût.
Recently I ordered a few different blends and I was not disappointed. I have always been a coffee drinker, but these products piqued my interest and I thought I’d switch things up a little bit. First thing I noticed was just how relaxing the scents were when you first open the package. The blends are light, but very flavourful. I will likely be enjoying these throughout the winter months, and look forward to ordering some different blends to try as an iced tea during the spring/summer seasons. I’ll also add that the packaging is beautiful, and the shipping was quick.
Salut Carla, merci beaucoup pour ton super avis! On est ravis que tu aimes nos tisanes, et on a hâte de te voir essayer d'autres mélanges pour l'été!
Salut Dang Thanh Bui ! On est super content que tu aimes l'odeur de notre bougie Sapin & Épinette. On espère qu'elle te transportera dans la forêt pendant longtemps !
I received a pack of tea with 10 tea bags from a Canadian company from Quebec. The tea has a nice pleasant flavour and I’ve enjoyed a cup every night . I like it’s all natural ingredients, vegan .I am an avid tea drinker and would buy this tea again as well as trying the other flavours they have .
This is my first time drinking tea with these ingredients. I can’t really describe the taste, but the combination is surprisingly calming. It has a balance of sweetness, tartness, and mild earthiness so I find it soothing. There is a mild grassy taste, which isn’t for everyone. I also like that its rich in antioxidants.The bag comes with 10 bags of tea. I don’t like overly strong tea, so I tend to use a tea bag multiple times before it is done, but with this tea, I was only able to brew it twice before the flavour was no longer there. These tea bags are truly premium at 10 bags for almost 14 dollars, and yet the bag can’t last more than 2 cups. The tea is decaffeinated, so I can drink it at any time of day. I also like that the bags are biodegradable so I’m not intaking any microplastics from drinking this tea. While I like the calming effect, there are other teas out there that have a similar effect for a much lower cost. If you enjoy quality teas, this is a good one to try.
I had been eager to try Labrador tea, and this Boreal infusion did not disappoint. It’s a lovely mix of Aronia, Alder, rosemary, goldenrod, fenugreek, and Labrador tea, creating a wonderfully woodsy aroma. One of the things I really appreciate is that all the ingredients are hand-picked here in Quebec.The 18g bag comes with a handy reusable zip-lock to keep the tea fresh, and the individual tea bags are triangular and 100% compostable, made from plant fibers derived from corn starch. There are 10 tea bags in the package—not a huge amount, especially if you enjoy several herbal teas a day like I do—but it’s the perfect size to test before committing to a larger order. At about $1.40 per tea bag, it’s on the pricier side, but considering it’s both local and organic, the value is there.On a cool fall evening, sitting on the porch with this tea is simply delightful—it truly hits the spot.
C'est vraiment ça, je suis accro à vos tisanes. Que se soit en sachet ou en vrac, ça goûte la nature. Je les ai toutes essayées et adoptées. Maintenant elles sont incluses dans tous mes moments de zénitude. Bravo à l'équipe de Floem, vous avez atteint un niveau supérieur de qualité pour se qui est de vos tisanes. Elles sont uniques. Pour les amateurs de tisanes, c'est à découvrir.
Salut Lucie, merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire ! On est super heureux que tu apprécies nos tisanes, et qu'elles contribuent à tes moments de zénitude.
I love trying new tea and was exciting to try this one out since I am not familiar with most of the ingredient and their description of fruity & spicy caught my eyes. The bag comes with 10 teabags, which are 100% biodegradable (made from corn starch). I only try the hot version and to be honest it was just an ok tea. It doesn’t taste bad at all but it doesn’t have anything special or extraordinary that would make me buy it again. I do appreciate that they are made in Quebec and the tea ingredient are handpicked, natural, no added flavor but it is a steep price for only 10 bags of a tea that taste just ok.I haven’t try it as an ice tea but will give it a try and maybe it will make me change my mind.Still going to give it a 5 stars because it is local, premium quality ingredient that are handpicked and the fact that it is a tea that doesn’t taste bad at all, it just fell flat for me.
This is a great herbal caffeine-free tea. The package is thoughful and seals the tea bag well.This flavour is woodsy and reminds me of chinese medicine. This is something I would go to on a cold night.
The tea bags are nicely packed in a resealable bag. The tea bags have a sweet chamomile and rose scent that is refreshing. Highly recommend.
This Floem Tea is really nice. This is the Apple, Meadowsweet, and Labrador Leaves flavour.This set includes 10 teabags. They are high quality tea bags where you can see the actual ingredients.The flavour is nice. Subtle, and not too strong and overwhelming. I love that this is caffeine free, which makes it a perfect afternoon tea!
I really like to have a large variety of teas and herbal teas at home, and that’s why I acquired this one.Since taste can be a subjective metric, I’ll try to be as objective as possible.The entire product design is very elegant. The shape of the little bags helps to keep the herbs in maximum contact with the water (as opposed to collapse). It has a suave color and smooth taste. It also has a pleasant, but not strong aroma.For my subjective taste, it’s perfect.
Love my tea at night time but I'm always wary of having a caffeinated drink before I sleep, so this decaf tea was perfect. The tea bags were very high quality and I could steep it a few times before it fully lost its taste. The flavour was very unique, very fruity and sweet. For 13.95, you get 10 tea bags and being locally made, I thought that was a reasonable price. Would highly recommend!
This is a fragrant and unique tea that must be steeped for at least 10 minutes. I love the organic ingredients, beautiful presentation and the subtlety of the aromas but I wish it had a tiny bit more punch .. it really has a very light flavour even after letting it steep for a very long time. I recommend enjoying it with a bit of honey
Un combo parfait: Une respiration consciente tout en dégustant une tisane Floèm. Y'a rien de plus Zen!
Salut Annie! On est vraiment contents que tu aimes notre tisane Pomme, reine des prés & feuilles du Labrador. On est d'accord avec toi, c'est un combo parfait pour un moment zen!
Lea produits sont tous excellent. J’aime bien lire les propriétés de chacun avant de me préparer une tisane selon mon besoin. L’ensemble découverte, fortement recommander.